Simidude now costs just 25 bucks
Torsten Uhlmann
—Wed, 22 Apr 2009

Photo by Torsten Uhlmann
I’d like to announce a substantial price drop for the Simidude application. Simidude will from now on be available for just USD 25 or 20 Euro. Due to the exchange rate between Euro and USD the previous USD I felt the price was too high. Considering the fact that most purchases come from within the United States I adjusted the price accordingly. In the last few weeks I received a lot of great comments about Simidude like this one:
“Patrick J. Says: Hi Torsten, just ordered it, a big thanks for this very useful product! As Alexander D. said, the ‘one license per cluster’ scheme is very kind. Please keep on the good work. ”
I’m thankful for all encouraging words and helpful suggestions! Currently I’m working on an exciting next release which will be free to existing customers. In this release I will polish some of the remaining rough edges. I also will implement a small web server embedded into Simidude. This will allow you to access you clipboard’s content or files and folders that you have dragged unto Simidude directly from your web browser. This is useful if you don’t want or cannot install an extra Simidude on one of the machines… Feel free to download Simidude and try it for free for 30 days. I also won’t stop you buying Simidude right away. Have a great day!